Helpful Information For You

Here are a selection of ebooks written by me relating to marketing, advertising and promotion.  Below is a short introductory explanation with a link to the relevant download page.

Online Marketing - ebook

This is a guide to help in the planning and development of an online marketing plan.  The guide has relevance for either setting up a new presence (usually a website) or for reviewing an existing online presence that may not be achieving the results required.  Read more about online workbook.

Essential Email - ebook

Email is without doubt the most powerful marketing tool on the internet.  To be successful you need to know how to use email correctly.  This ebook explains all the basics including email etiquette to more advanced topics such as how to build relationships using email and a whole lot more.   Read more about email ebook.

General Articles

Read through a selection of articles dealing with a range of issues relating to online marketing.  Read the articles.
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